Work Package 6
Project Management
The overall aim of this WP is to ensure that the project’s objectives are achieved and that the workplan is implemented in compliance with the EDCTP Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement.
The specific objectives are:
· to provide the framework for delivery of the workplan in compliance with the grant agreement, with respect to financial, logistics, information, coordination issues and in terms of quality and conformity to EDCTP rules and procedures;
· to optimally address issues as they emerge, be these scientific, technological, managerial, or financial;
· to ensure the management of overall progress, milestones, deliverables, and planned resources.
This WP will focus on the strategic and operational (day-to-day) management of the project, including monitoring of the project activities, risks, administrative and financial aspects. As the Grant Coordinator, the LIH will be responsible for the overall administrative project coordination in charge of all contractual arrangements and reporting to the EDCTP. Since this is a pharmaceutical product development application, MDGH will provide the strategic scientific management.
Dr. Michel Vaillant (LIH), Project Coordinator, will be accountable for the project and he will be assisted by a Project Manager at LIH, responsible for tasks related to operational, technical and financial management of the action.